Grafana user api. For example: curl -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' \ https://<grafana-url>/api/user Incident Response & Management. Use the grafana-cli tool to install JSON API from the commandline: grafana-cli Jun 18, 2019 · The user making the request may have a valid authentication token but not the authorization to make some API calls. For more information about the Grafana Server Administrator role, refer to Grafana server administrators. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly If you do not want Grafana to do this automatic regex escaping and formatting, then you must do one of the following: Turn off the Multi-value or Include All option options. Permissions determine the tasks a user can perform in the system. Migrate API keys using the Grafana user interface. Permissions associated with each role determine the tasks a user can perform in the system. You can choose to migrate a single API key or all API keys. In order to call the Grafana API to create a dashboard, you will have to get a token. However, a user can belong to multiple organizations. Here we create a new user called “anthony”. You can grant granular permissions to service accounts by leveraging role-based access control . You can now call Grafana APIs using the access token retrieved in the previous step as the Authorization header. 1. If you would like to learn how to get started with Grafana Cloud, our fully managed observability stack, visit the Grafana Cloud documentation for more information. Default is false. Default is admin. You can use a hosted Grafana instance at Grafana Cloud or run Grafana locally. Sign in to Grafana as an organization administrator. You can also pass the page query parameter for fetching folders from a page other than the first one. Grafana adds an All option to the variable dropdown list. Read more about Grafana Enterprise. This setting is ignored if you configure multiple auth providers to use auto-login. The Grafana Admin API is a subset of the Grafana API. Each user is associated with a role that includes permissions. Manage user preferences. . This is a stand-in for the name of the rule file in Prometheus. api. editable: false For provisioning examples of specific data sources, refer to that data source’s documentation . User and Org Preferences API. Click OnCall, then click Initialize to enable OnCall in your Grafana Cloud instance. Get status GET /api/access-control/status Returns an indicator to check if role-based access View a history of user steps when navigating through metrics and their filters. We will use this request to show how Grafana automatically adds the new user we specify to the system. You can import preconfigured dashboards into your Grafana instance or Cloud stack using the UI or the HTTP API. So in order to use these API calls you will have to use Basic Auth and the Grafana user must have the Grafana Admin permission. Mainly used by Grafana UI for providing list of users when adding team members and when editing folder/dashboard permissions. If you don't have the necessary role, you won't be able to manage Grafana access rights yourself. mdauphin January 18, 2021, 3:11pm 1. The result of the evaluation should be a valid Grafana role ( None , Viewer , Editor , Admin or GrafanaAdmin ). You can also view important information about your account, such as the organizations and roles to which you are assigned and the Grafana sessions associated with your account. Permissions assigned to a user within an organization control the extent to which the user has access to and can update the following organization resources: dashboards and folders Manage users in an organization Organization administrators can invite users to join their organization. Only users with the organization administrator role can add data sources. Rule groups must be named uniquely within a namespace. Refer to Role-based access control permissions for The Grafana backend exposes an HTTP API, which is the same API that is used by the frontend to do everything from saving dashboards, creating users, and updating data sources. admin_password. When accessing the Grafana UI through the web, it is important to set up HTTPS to ensure the communication between Grafana and the end user is encrypted, including login credentials and retrieved metric data. When running Prometheus locally, there are two ways to configure Prometheus for Grafana. The following sections describe how to use the APIs, and then list which Grafana APIs are supported. com API or GCOM API, allows you to interact with resources from your Grafana Cloud Stack programmatically. Disable creation of admin user on first start of Grafana. Next, the metrics will be sent to Grafana. 4 What are you trying to achieve? I am trying to get a list of users with their last login time via the grafana api. It’s just an organization admin. Note If you need to manage or access The ruler API endpoints require to configure a backend object storage to store the recording rules and alerts. If you don’t own the Grafana instance, you have to ask your administrator a token. RBAC extends Grafana basic roles that are included in Grafana OSS, and enables more granular control of users’ actions. An organization is an entity that exists within your instance of Grafana. 1, there is also a OpenAPI v3 specification (generated by the v2 one). For example, the Admin role includes permissions for an administrator to create and delete users. A “read only” user would not be modifying data Jun 18, 2019 · Here are the steps to create a Grafana dashboard using the API: Most of the API requests are authenticated within Grafana. The ruler API uses the concept of a “namespace” when creating rule groups. Available in Grafana v9. 2 and later versions. You can access Explore Metrics either as a standalone experience or as part of Grafana dashboards. version: 1 # <bool> Allows users to edit data sources from the # Grafana UI. Grafana exposes metrics for Prometheus on the /metrics endpoint. When you create a user they are granted the Viewer role by default, which means that they won’t be able to make any changes to any of the resources in Grafana. This API can be used to update/get the permissions for a dashboard. Additionally, if the login username or the email claims are nested inside the JWT structure, you can specify the path to the attributes using the username_attribute_path and email_attribute_path configuration options using the JMESPath syntax. View a list of organizations Grafana ships with a built-in PostgreSQL data source plugin that allows you to query and visualize data from a PostgreSQL compatible database. Enter the Name, Email, Username, and Password from the table above. Install the Data Source. View Grafana metrics with Prometheus. Max series (Optional) Limits the number of series and tables that Grafana processes. Seamlessly pivot to related telemetry, including log data. Grafana strips sensitive data such as queries (metric, template and annotation) and panel links, leaving only the visible metric data and series names embedded in the dashboard. Lower this number to prevent abuse, and increase it if you have many small time series and not all are Import dashboards. Only existing Grafana users can log in with generic OAuth if set to false. Follow these steps to enable Grafana OnCall for your Grafana Cloud instance: In your Grafana Cloud stack, navigate to Alerts & IRM in the left-side menu. Overview. i’ve seen this page : Admin HTTP API | Grafana documentation i would like to do it with a curl request but it doesn’t work, can somebody show me the syntax, it would be really helpfull!! thanks ! User management A user is defined as any individual who can log in to Grafana. Set up Grafana HTTPS for secure web traffic. If you are running Grafana Enterprise, for some endpoints you’ll need to have specific permissions. 5+. When you migrate all API keys, you can no longer create API keys and must use service accounts instead. Select the user, service account, team, or role. The member of one organization cannot view dashboards assigned to another organization. false: id_token Jan 18, 2021 · Grafana API : create user invite. from_url (. If a user selects this option, then all variable options are You can use Grafana HTTP APIs with Amazon Managed Grafana workspaces. RBAC API Role-based access control API is only available in Grafana Cloud or Grafana Enterprise. Finally, if a valid role is still not found, the expression is evaluated against the user information retrieved from api_url/users endpoint and groups retrieved from api_url/groups endpoint. with Grafana Alerting, Grafana Incident, Grafana OnCall, and Grafana SLO k6 JavaScript API. with Grafana Alerting, Grafana Incident, Grafana OnCall, and Grafana SLO Override a configuration setting--configOverrides is a command line argument that acts like an environmental variable override. Prometheus exporters. from grafana_client import GrafanaApi, HeaderAuth, TokenAuth # 1. To check which basic or fixed roles have the required permissions, refer to RBAC role definitions. The password of the default Grafana Admin. To import the bundled dashboard: Navigate to the data source’s configuration page. Build your first dashboard Get started with Grafana and Prometheus Unlike API keys, service account tokens are not associated with a specific user, which means that applications can be authenticated even if a Grafana user is deleted. Grafana Cloud is a highly available, fast, fully managed OpenSaaS logging and metrics platform. The HTTP protocol, IP address, and port of your InfluxDB API. We have covered the essential steps, from Grafana Cloud and Grafana HTTP API reference The following section includes the Grafana Cloud API reference and the sections of the Grafana HTTP API reference that you can use for many tasks, such as managing your Cloud stacks and applications using an infrastructure as code provisioning tool. Click the Create User button to create the account. For instructions on how to add a data source to Grafana, refer to the administration documentation. A dashboard snapshot shares an interactive dashboard publicly. Below is the list of approved, static endpoints and calls for general use. In the Add Permission For dropdown menu, select User, Service Account, Team, or Role. Click the Permissions tab, and then click Add a permission. Plugins are not updated automatically, however you will be notified when updates are available right within your Grafana. 4, HTTP API details are specified using OpenAPI v2. Jan 30, 2024 · End-to-end API tests try to replicate real-world user flows, which access public APIs from external systems. Assign server administrator privileges. Returns all folders that the authenticated user has permission to view. Optionally select Add to grant the Grafana administrator role to more members. May 1, 2024 · Learn how Synthetic Monitoring, powered by Grafana k6, creates multi-step synthetics to simulate complex transactions and end-user journeys. Organization users have access to organization resources based on their role, which is Admin, Editor, or Viewer. Sep 24, 2020 · Hi, I’m just a beginner on Grafana, I would like some example on how to use API to authenticate as Admin using Basic Auth through API call , and then create viewer users with another API call, not sure how should I pass user and password in request or If somehow I need to get a token first and then use it in subsecuent calls, If you could help me with an example of it that would be awsome There are several ways to authenticate to the Grafana HTTP API. Returns all org users within the current organization, but with less detailed information. For more information, refer to Grafana service account API reference . Since version 8. We also bundle a dashboard within Grafana so you can start viewing your metrics faster. Grafana Open Source Software (OSS) enables you to query, visualize, alert on, and explore your metrics, logs, and traces wherever they’re stored. Import a dashboard. Grafana data source plugins enable you to query data sources including time series databases like Prometheus and CloudWatch, logging tools like Loki and Elasticsearch, NoSQL/SQL databases like Postgres, CI/CD tooling like GitHub, and many Grafana HTTP API. Use the raw variable format. Apr 12, 2024 · Call Grafana APIs. Refer to Role-based access control permissions for more information. I did not found information in API documentation to create user invitation. API Tokens are currently only linked to an organization and an organization role. Incident Response & Management. They cannot be given the permission of server admin, only users can be given that permission. Once enabled, Grafana OnCall is now accessible to users within your organization An API key is specific to a user and a Grafana stack. Set once on first-run. The endpoint refers to the OnCall Application endpoint and can be found on the OnCall -> Settings page as well. If the application role received by Grafana is GrafanaAdmin, Grafana grants the user server administrator privileges. 5 grafana version and macos sonoma v14 What are you trying to achieve? Create a user using API. For example, you can use it to redirect logging to another file (maybe to log plugin installations in Grafana Cloud) or when resetting the admin password and you have non-default values for some important configuration value (like where the database is located). The API can be used to create, update, delete, get, and list roles. These endpoints are exposed both when running Tempo in microservices and monolithic mode: microservices: each service exposes its own endpoints; monolithic: the Tempo process exposes all API endpoints for the services running internally; For externally supported GRPC API, see below Installing on a local Grafana: For local instances, plugins are installed and updated via a simple CLI command. Grafana Cloud is the easiest way to get started with Role-based access control (RBAC) provides a standardized way of granting, changing, and revoking access so that users can view and modify Grafana resources, such as users and reports. 1 or newer, use service accounts instead of API keys. If you are running Grafana Enterprise, for some endpoints you would need to have relevant permissions. API Tokens can be used with Organization HTTP API to get users of specific organization. Organization Admins are able to manage all teams and team members. Access to these API endpoints is restricted as follows: All authenticated users are able to view details of teams they are a member of. Select the Dashboards tab. It is everything you love about Grafana, but Grafana Labs hosts it for you and handles all the headaches. Keys: theme - One of: light, dark, or an empty string for the default theme; homeDashboardId - The numerical :id of a favorited dashboard, default: 0 Grafana Cloud API The Grafana Cloud API, sometimes referred to as the Grafana. Dashboard Permissions API. We can then send a second request to the /api/user method which will return the details of the logged in user. GET /api/org/users/lookup. Jul 18, 2023 · Choose Users from the menu drop-down, then click New User. Starting from version 9. Watch the following video to learn how to manage users and permissions in Grafana OSS and If you use Grafana v9. Jul 2, 2020 · Figured it out. Controls Grafana user creation through the generic OAuth2 login. For accessing those API resources, you will need to use HTTP Basic Authentication. Hover your mouse cursor over a folder and click Go to folder. Grafana. Accessible to users with org admin role, admin in any folder or admin of any team. Permissions with dashboardId=-1 are the default permissions for users with the Viewer and Editor roles. Configure Prometheus for Grafana. If you have server administrator permissions in Grafana, you can manage all users for a Grafana instance in the Server Admin section: Assign or remove Grafana server administrator Organization users and permissions. If you want to switch to a different stack configuration, request a different API key. true: auto_login: No: Set to true to enable users to bypass the login screen and automatically log in. All Grafana users belong to at least one organization. To use these API calls you can use Basic Auth and the Grafana user must have the Grafana Admin role. admin_email Jan 22, 2021 · I edited my topics. Send the copied URL to a Grafana user with authorization to view the link. Click Save. InfluxDB’s default API port is 8086. Sorry, the display was corrupted. Required permissions Jun 3, 2021 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? Centos 7 & version 5. May 30, 2023 · Final Grafana Report. Conclusion : In this article, we have explored the process of automating Grafana dashboards using Python and the Grafana API. AWS Documentation Amazon Managed Grafana User Guide Server user management A user is defined as any individual who can log in to Grafana. In the left-side menu, click Dashboards. Anonymous access grafana = GrafanaApi. Include All option. This section shows you how to migrate API keys to Grafana service accounts using the Grafana user interface. Feb 21, 2024 · Under Grafana administrator role, if you have the Owner or User Access Administrator role for the subscription, the box Include myself is checked by default. with Grafana Alerting, Grafana Incident, Grafana OnCall, and Grafana SLO Team API. Dashboard API. Sep 4, 2017 · hello everyone, this topic maybe already has an answer but i can’t find it, i’m trying to create a user (simple viewer) and add it to an organization using the api, but don’t succeed. admin_user. User-centered observability: load testing, real user monitoring Only available in Grafana v6. If auto_sign_up is enabled, then the sub claim is used as the “external Auth ID”. Min time interval (Optional) Refer to Min time interval. Any other paths are subject to change and are not maintained for general user consumption. The admin user I was using isn’t a Super Admin. This guide describes configuring Prometheus in a hosted Grafana instance on Grafana Cloud. Permissions can be set for a user, a team or a role (Viewer or Editor). Publish a snapshot. To import a dashboard, follow these steps: Enable Grafana OnCall. Grafana Enterprise. Grafana Server Administrators are responsible for creating organizations. Identifier (id) vs unique identifier (uid) The identifier (id) of a dashboard is an auto-incrementing numeric value and is only unique per Grafana install. This means that a user can close its browser and come back before now + login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_duration and still being authenticated. Permissions cannot be set for Admins - they always have access to everything. Grafana Enterprise is the commercial edition of Grafana that includes additional features not found in the open source version. Try out and share prebuilt visualizations. For more information about organization user permissions, refer to Organization users An active authenticated user that gets it token rotated will extend the login_maximum_inactive_lifetime_duration time from “now” that Grafana will remember the user. Before you begin Community resources. Dashboard templates. Grafana allows you to manage certain aspects of your user account, including your user name, email, and password. The name of the default Grafana Admin user, who has full permissions. We used this command: curl -u myadmin:mypasswd -X DELETE mywebsite/api/admin/users/:39 Oct 17, 2023 · What Grafana version and what operating system are you using? 9. The name claim is used as the user’s full name if it is present. You can control the maximum number of folders returned through the limit query parameter, the default is 1000. This displays dashboards for Grafana and For the sake of clarity, API endpoints are grouped by service. This API can be used to manage Teams and Team Memberships. degjahm txajc enttd rlh vhfhke kats fgskwb kugkr vsix iuam